Old Ignitor Site: Documents
Publications and Key Documents
Novel Developments for Fusion Research and the Ignitor Approach
Contributions by the Ignitor Program
New Approaches to Ignition and Developments for Fusion Energy Sources
Novel Developments for Fusion Research and the Ignitor Approach (Presentation)
Relevant Developments for the Ignitor Program and Burning Plasma Regimes of Special Interest
Ignitor and High Density Approach to Fusion Reactors
ICRH Physics in the Ignitor Experiment
Global Machine Design and Double X-point Equilibrium Configurations for Ignitor
Effects of Radial Profiles in the H-Regimes for Ignitor
Adoption of MgB2 Superconducting Magnets for the Ignitor Machine and Relevant R&D
The ICRH System for the Ignitor Experiment
Installation of the Ignitor Machine at the Caorso Site
Analysis of the Ignitor Discharges with Double X-point Magnetic Configuration
Relevant Advances of the Ignitor Program
Plasma Position Diagnostics for the Ignition Experiment Ignitor
X-ray Imaging for Plasma Position Control in the Ignition Experiment Ignitor
Relevant Advances of the Ignitor Program (Presentation)
The Compact, Four Barrel, High Speed Pellet Injector for the Ignitor Experiment
Magnetic and X-ray Diagnostics for Plasma Position Measurements in the Ignition Experiment Ignitor
Advances in the Ignitor Plasma Control
Plasma Position Diagnostics for the Ignition Experiment Ignitor
Ignitor Plasma Chamber Assembly Procedure and Welding Process
CATIA-V 3D Modeling for Design Integration of the Ignitor Machine Load Assembly
Highlights of the Physics and Technology for the Ignitor Experiment Members of the Ignitor Program
Advanced Fuel Cycles for Fusion Reactors: Passive Safety and Zero-Waste Operations
Physics with Reduced Parameters by the Ignitor Experiment
Influence of Collisionality and Density Peaking on Thermal Transport
Groundwork for the Ignitor Experiment
Peaked Density Profiles and High Speed Pellet Injection for the Ignitor Burning Plasma Experiment
Validity of the Objectives and Solutions of the Ignitor Program
Ignitor Plasma Performance in the H-mode with the New Scalings
Importance of Ideal Ignition Conditions and Intermediate Objectives of Ignitor
ICRH Physics and Ignitor Experiments with Reduced Parameters
The ICRH System for the Ignitor Experiment
X-ray Imaging for Plasma Position Control in the Ignitor Experiment
Control Optimization for the Position and Shape of the Ignitor Plasma Column
Structural Analysis of the Ignitor Load Assembly
First Wall Design for the Ignitor Machine
Plasma Chamber Design and Fabrication Activities
Structural Assessment of the Central Solenoid of Ignitor
Advances in the Fabrication of Toroidal Field Coil Prototypes
Ignitor Remote Handling System
Optimized operation and Electrical Power Supply System of Ignitor
Connection between Energy Production and Climate: Role of Nuclear Energy and Fusion Research
Context of the Ignitor Experiment
The Ignitor Experiment: Deuterium-Tritium Phase
The ICRH Physics of the Ignitor Experiment
Structural Analysis of the Ignitor Load Assembly
Construction of Plates of the Toroidal Field Magnet of Ignitor and Relevant Advances
Plasma Chamber and First Wall for the Ignitor Experiment
Remote Handling System for Ignitor
Preliminary Analysis of Position and Shape Control of Ignitor Plasmas
The Compact, Multiple Barrel, High Speed Pellet Injector of the Ignitor Experiment
ICRH System for the Ignitor Experiment
Magnetic Diagnostics for Ignitor
Plasma Position Diagnostics for Ignitor
Plasma Radiation Cooling in the Ignitor Experiments
Simulation of Deuterium Pellet Ablation in Ignitor and other Fusion Experiments
The New High Speed Pellet Injector for the Ignitor Experiments
Advances in the Ignitor Program
Effects of Density Profile Peaking on on Confinement
First Wall System and Plasma Chamber in Ignitor
Ignitor Performances in Plasmas without Tritium
Ignitor Vacuum Vessel Structural Design with Dynamic Loads Due to Plasma Disruption Events
MHD Stability of Low-N Modes in Small Aspect Ratio Tokomaks
Onset of the Thermonuclear Instability and Oscillatory States near Ignition
Optimization of Ignitor Operating Scenario at 11 MA
Physics of Igniting Plasmas and the Ignitor Approach
Spectrum of Experiments on Burning Plasmas: the Case for a US Ignition Device
The Ignitor Fast Pellet Injector
Transport in High Density Igniting Plasmas