Hadronic and Electroweak Physics at MIT

Bates Retrospective and Future Prospects

September 28 - 30, 2006








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TENTATIVE PROGRAM (as of September 25th)

A final version will be distributed at registration check-in.

Click here for the latest version of the tentative schedule

The symposium at MIT will focus on the program of hadronic and electroweak physics at MIT - past, present and future. Some of the talks will be in the form of a perspective of research at Bates undertaken over its history, from the initial era when single-arm electron scattering studies and real-photon physics were central, to the more recent period when modern parity-violating electron scattering experiments and the BLAST studies with polarized internal hydrogen and deuterium targets have been performed. Included in this part of the program will be presentations on the technical advances made during the Bates era and related theoretical work will also be covered, as will some of the hadronic studies in this era undertaken by researchers at MIT.

The other part of the program will focus on present and future perspectives of the electroweak and hadronic studies being pursued at other laboratories, in part by research groups from MIT. In particular, there will be talks on electron scattering studies at JLab, including discussions of the anticipated 12 GeV program, at HERMES and, for the longer term, at the EIC; a talk on Standard Model tests via parity-violating electron scattering; presentation of perspectives for neutrino physics; discussion of the spin physics program at RHIC; and talks on related theoretical initiatives, including the lattice QCD effort at MIT.
