Accommodation Page

Hyatt Regency, Cambridge

We have arranged for a block of rooms during this meeting to be available for the very reasonable rate of $99/night. This rate is guaranteed until 9 March so please make your travel plans as soon as possible. Follow the link above or below to the hotel's web page and enter the special offer code "G-MITE" when making your reservation. Or, if you make your reservation by telephone or fax, be sure to specify the special offer code "G-MITE" or that you are attending the MIT EIC Meeting and that there is a special rate.

	Hyatt Regency Cambridge
	575 Memorial Drive
	Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 02139-4896 
	Tel: +1 617 492 1234    Fax: +1 617 491 6906 

The Hyatt Regency, Cambridge is an excellent hotel within walking distance of MIT. The hotel also provides a shuttle service to MIT. You are welcome to try to find other accommodation but nothing will be as reasonable nor as convenient.

Should the weather be inclement during the meeting we will arrange a shuttle service to and from MIT and for the dinner Friday evening.

Updated Monday, April 2, 2007 18:37