Kazuhiro Terao
Kazu's Research Storage!

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        Graduate Student Lunch Talk
     A talk given at Graduate Student Lunch Time Talk on 03/18/2009. Brief introcution to Double CHOOZ.

     Starting with DOGS

        DOGS for Dummies
     Simple start with basic DOGS event loop and DCGLG4sim.

     Neutron Gun Simulation

        Summary of neutron gun simulation
     Presented at the calibration meeting as an introduction of our current idea about a neutron gun.

        Family Meeting on 03/16/08
     Presented at the neutrino/dark matter family meeting run by Professor Peter Fisher. A brief summary of neutron gun simulation work.


        Sharing codes...
     Some compiled analysis codes that can be shared. They don't look smart, and your suggestion will be appreciated.


        Simulation Options on the Tier2 cluster
     Refer to numbers here. I am asking to use "efficient only" option for now.

        Issues in neutron simulations
     Show some bugs of G4 regarding fast neutron simulation. Slides used to ask questions to Glenn.

        Prod-04-00 v.s. Prod-04-01 Geometry Comparison
     Shows a possible problem in DCGLG4sim geoemtry construction in Prod-04-00 version.

Contact Information

Kazuhiro Terao
Laboratory of Nuclear Science
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Bulding 26 Room 570
Cambridge, MA 02138

kazuhiro at mit dot edu

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Last updated; 04/13/2009