Kazu's web!

                    Academia                     HOME                     Research                    

Research / Academic Work Storage

This is my 1st time making my own web...

Hope it gets better...

MIT logo Neutron Diffusion MIT seal

Neutron Diffusion in Gd doped scintillator oil

from Geant4 based simulation

Click on a picture to see the original size!

   Academic Course Work

     Review Notes and Solved Problems

You find my review notes for exams or some random thoughts, lecture notes, and problem sets and solutions I have done before.

MIT Dome

MIT dome in the winter morning

   Research Work


Worked as undergraduate (08/2006 to 06/2007) and as a research assistant (06/2007 to 08/2008) at LBL.

     Double CHOOZ

My current project at MIT. Hopefully I get my Ph.D thesis out from here.

     Secret Update

It is a seecret without protection.

Frozen My Friend SunSet

Frozen Charles River      ######      A neighbor in Charles      #######      Sunset on Charles

   My faborite webs...

     Hitoshi Murayama - Particle Phenomenologist's web -

Lots of useful materials here; course materials of 129A, 221A, 230A (classes taught at Berkeley) could be the best lecture notes I have ever read for these courses.

     Adrian Dawn's Lec Notes

This guy, although he probably don't know me well, inspired me a lot with his pefect notes taken in physics and math courses using LaTeX. Not only whole equations on the blackboard, but he also copies every word professor spoke. On top of it, he even had time to ask very good questions during a lecture....

     Neutrino Oscillation Industry

Old, out-dated website which lists up neutrino experiments. Helped me a lot when I try to research on the history of various neutrino experiments. You should remember that many of experiements here are not on-going ones.


My favorite view

Contact Information

Kazuhiro Terao
Laboratory of Nuclear Science
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Bulding 26 Room 570
Cambridge, MA 02138

kazuhiro at mit dot edu

                    Academia                     HOME                     Research                    

Last updated; 04/13/2009