8.EFTx Design Page
Git commands:
git branch
git add
git commit -m "text about what I did"
-a -m "xx"
git status
git push - push changes to server
git push origin BRANCHNAME
git checkout -b BRANCHNAME
(-b if creating it)
git pull = git fetch + git merge
git fetch
git rebase
git rebase -i
git rebase --continue
(git merge)
git stash -u
-tells you which branch you are on
-adds file to the repository, INCLUDING old ones
you have edited
- commit your changes to current branch
-commits all currently edited & tracked files
-which files are in repository, what is updated,...
- push changes to the repository. THIS BACKS
- start a new branch or checkout someone else's branch
- fetches remote branch
- adds changes back to the main branch, erase your history
- rebase interactive
- like svn resolved
- used when we want to keep branch history
-stashes untracked files with the -u
Github & Staging:
software to get setup:
1- before you install anything, install Xcode
2- install command line tools
3- install "pip"
4- to install PlasTex, http://tiarno.github.io/plastex/
5- sudo install beautifulsoup
6- sudo pip install lxml
7- sudo pip install xmllint
8- install latex2edx
8.851x Course Design List 2017
Setup Course Surveys
Video Project Peer Grading and abstract system
System for Forums for asking questions and having discussions
Course Resources
Coding for Problem Sets
Tablet Lectures / Screen Casts
Guest Lectures
8.851x Course Modules
1) Introduction to EFT (Week 1) (L1)
Ask question about power counting, students answer in a box, and then we show them a bunch of correct and incorrect responses
2) Introduction Example with Hydrogen (L1)
3) Bottom-Up and Top-Down EFT (L1)
Ask question about whether certain EFT's would be treated as bottom up or top down?
Ask question: Does their exist an example of a HQET (HET) theory that is bottom-up rather than
Encourage students to discuss what the EFT for quantum gravity means in the context of string theory as a fundamental description of quantum gravity.
Insert Problem #1, part #1 (Matching with Massive Electrons)
Do by
To Consider
count M's
Heavy Baryon
Other Bottom-Up Examples
More on Higgs
Main Sequence Work Flow
25 pts
25 pts
50 pts
#) = distinct video cut, (...text...) = comments for myself,
Magenta=Main course module
Red = question to be inserted after a video,
Gray= text to be inserted after a video
Cyan = Links to other course material
0) Course Introduction:
Discuss: What the course is about, logistics of how a student should navigate the material,
Links to syllabus, display project list, display convention list
Examples of how to use & navigate the course. For the problems, be sure to include an example of what will happen if they enter an invalid variable so they are not surprised by this.
Soft-Collinear EFT
55)Introduction to SCET (L14)
56)Degrees of freedom for SCET2, momentum planes (L15)
57)Degrees of freedom for SCET1 (L15)
58) Collinear Spinors, (L15)
59) Collinear Propagators and Power Counting (L15)
60) Wilson Line W from offshell propagators (L16)
61) SCET Lagrangian, initial steps (L16)
62) Expansion of Gauge Field and Multipole Expansion (L16)
63) Multipole Expansion in Momentum Space, Label Operators (L17)
64) Antiparticles and Momentum Labels (L17)
65) Leading Order SCET Lagrangian (L17)
66) Wilson line identities, Collinear Gluon Lagrangian (L17)
Insert Pset #4, part #3
Insert Pset #4, part #4
8)Field Redefinitions (Week 2), (L2)
Insert question:
9)Field Redefinitions continued (L3)
Insert Pset #1, part #4 (Field Redefinitions)
(insert question to "grade" the question from part#2 above)
9.5) Added Screencast Lecture on Dim-6 SM operators and Higgs Decays
Insert Dim-6 Operator Problem
4)Standard Model as an EFT (Week 1) (renormalizable in EFT sense, corrections to L_SM)
add text that says: "Suggested discussion topic: What are the phenomenological implications of the fact that the Standard model is renormalizable in the traditional sense?" (L1)
5) Power Counting in Operator Dimensions (L2)
Add Question: "The proof that we just discussed, showing that power counting is equivalent to determining the dimension of operators, seems very general. Can you identify where we made an assumption that might not be valid in other situations?"
6) Short Video with Answer to the above Question (L2)
7) Dimension 5 & 6 Operators in the SM (L2)
Insert Pset.#1, part #2,3 (RH Neutrinos/Proton decay and EDM)
(part 2 has a peer grading question, and the student responses will be utilized as a question in Pset#1, part#4 below)
10) Loops, Renormalization, and Matching (Section II starts here) (L3)
First Video is: Regularization, Renormalization, and Power Counting
(For massive particles still: divergences and p.c., dim.reg, mass thresholds)
Link to Lepage's notes on EFT for potentials with a hard cutoff
11)Dimensional Regularization in Effective Theories (end of L3 at end) (L3)
Link to Collin's book Ch.4. Link to handout page on loop integrations.
12) Matching: Massive Particle Thresholds (L4 start) (decoupling in MSbar) (L4)
Insert Pset #2, part #3 (this is really a QFT-3 problem) (matching and running of coupling problem)
13) Integrating out Massive Standard Model Particles (b to cud, basis, same IR needed) (L4)
14) Counterterms for Operators versus Counterterms for Coefficients (L4)
Insert Pset #2 supplemental problem from QFT-3 (composite operator renormalization)
21)Chiral Lagrangians (L6: linear sigma model, field redefinitions and nonlinear representations)
Add link to review of spontaneous symmetry breaking.
22)CCWZ parameterization (L6)
Add link to review by Aneesh Manohar and original CCWZ paper
23)ChPT for QCD (L6, symmetry breaking, spurion analysis, start on loops) ** REUPLOAD**
ChPT = Chiral Perturbation Theory
24) Loops in ChPT (f vs. Lam_chi) (L7 starts)
25) Naive Dimensional Analysis (L7)
26) ChPT UV and IR structure, SU(2) Phenomenology (L7)
27) ChPT power counting theorem (L7)
28) ChPT for SU(3) and Decay Constants (L7)
Insert Pset #2, part #2 (fPi and fK problem)
29)HQET (static sources) (L7)
30)HQET from QCD (L8)
31)HQET Properties (HQS, label velocity, p.c.) (L8)
32)Covariant Fields for Symmetries (L8)
33)Loop Corrections with a Four Vector Label (impact of v labels, symmetries, pure dim.reg. trick) (L8)
34)HQET Matching (L9)
Insert new problem (Scalar HQET problem NEW! )
35)HQET Power Corrections Directly using QCD (L9)
36)HQET Power Corrections from Symmetry & Reparameterization Invariance (L9)
37) Simple Phenomenology with HQET (Hadron Masses) (L10)
38) Operator Product Expansion for HQET (L10)
Insert Pset #3, part #2 (Reparameterization Invariance Problem)
48)EFT with a Fine Tuning (two nucleon or cold atom EFT) (L13)
49)Loops and Power Counting (L13)
50) Matching and Fine Tuning (power counting, enhanced coupling, beta function & RGE, other enhanced couplings) (L13)
51) Power Divergence Subtraction Scheme (L13)
52) Nonrelativistic Conformal invariance, SU(4) invariance (L14)
53) Bound States in QFT, the Deuteron (E.M. form factor as example, LSZ for bound state) (L14)
54) Coupling to a Charge: Axions in the Sun (L14)
Insert Pset #4, part #1
Insert Pset #4, part #2
Peer Feedback with Read/Write
Peer Feedback for problem sets:
Here is how peer feedback would work in a paradigm where we have a new problem type with READ/WRITE capability.
Short answer:
1)Student has answered a question with 1-3 sentences in Pset#1. Responses are written to a remote server tagged with the students number. This uses the WRITE capability.
2)After the due date, remote server processes these responses by randomly assigning one or more peer student numbers to each one (the "peer readers"). It thus creates a lookup table connecting students to peer readers.
3)The next week, on Pset#2, the student encounters a problem that says "Remember when you answered X on Pset#1, if the response to that question was Y then how good do you think the following answer is? Provide your thoughts on this response, and also select from the following options:". (Y = 1st response given) "What about if the answer was Z?" (Z= 2nd response given). The responses Y and Z are obtained from the server with a READ request. Requested answer for the student appears as a text box the student can type in to provide their feedback, and perhaps also bubbles a student can click on to give a numerical grade. They then "Check" in the standard way. As far as we are concerned this is again a student answering a problem, and we WRITE this information to the remote server, again flagged with the students number. If they were assigned multiple students we track the order of their responses, which are simply two parts to a "problem" (their peer reading assignment is an ordered list of other peoples student numbers). This ordering is used in creating the reverse lookup table.
4)In a separate horizontal item there is a problem that will provide the student with this peer feedback. "Peer feedback for problem set #1". This is a problem type that READs from the server and provides the student with the written responses and in some cases also a numerical evaluation. It uses the lookup table on the remote server to figure our which response to provide. Existence of one response is enough to allow the READ to provide more than "Feedback is not yet available". Since the peer feedback was part of Pset#2 it has a due date.
5)For short answer problems we envision that one student will have the patience to perhaps look at and answer 2 or maybe even 3 responses.
Long answer:
1) Student has answered a long answer problem requiring a 5 page detailed calculation on Pset #2. To provide their answer they upload a file, which is either in Latex that they have generated and then turned into PDF, or a scanned PDF of a handwritten solution. We WRITE this file to a remote server tagged by the students' number ( use Amazon's S3(?) ). We filter to allow only files of size < some value.
2)Server does random assignment of one peer reader. We imagine that each reader will have the patience to only go through ONE of these calculations. Hence we can't do statistics on the robustness of any numeric grade they might give. But the most important part for us is not that anyway. We want the peer feedback to provide to the original student, that they would get from a residentially graded problem set. Results stored here is again a lookup table that is a pointer between two students. The original file is large, so we only want one copy of it.
3)Students are asked in a future week on a Pset#3 to do a peer feedback assessment of the response. The problem READs from the remote server a PDF file that it provides to the student to evaluate. The main important thing that is recorded is the long form feedback, rather than a simple grade. The problem WRITEs this feedback to the remote server.
4)There is a separate horizontal item that a student has which is a problem that will provide them with their peer feedback. The problem READs from the remote server, uses the connection lookup table, and determines whether peer feedback exists. If it does not exist then "Peer feedback is not yet available". If it does exist then it provides the student with the text evaluation, and grade if appropriate.
5)The fact that these responses are being recorded with standard EdX problem types may mean that it is easier to track the peer grading. In this context, the only issue with peer feedback is that the response to a "question" given by one student should be able to impact the grade of another student. For our purposes its fine if this is only done at the end of the course, rather than along the way. Again the most important part that must happen along the way is the peer feedback.
Peer Feedback for Videos:
Ashley's Project Outline Table on Google Docs
Video System Needs
1) Students submit their project choice: a topic number, a title, and 200 word abstract. OR they choose "other", a project not on the project list. Topic number and titles are displayed for all students as a list in case they choose to correspond with each other or form discussion groups for certain topic numbers. Results of their decision are displayed for them and they can change their working title and abstract online before the final submission, but we will (presumably) not allow those changes to propagate to the list that all students see until the cutoff for video submissions has passed. We will definitely show the abstracts once the deadline has passed, by making the title of a project clickable in this list. This list will be used for the self selection step below.
2) Any student selecting "other" is forced to explain their topic choice in the online forum before having it approved. Approval may either be by a moderator only or by up selection by enough peers (TBD).
3)Student recorded 25-35min videos are uploaded to youtube, and the student pastes their link into the EdX system. These links are then added beside each video in the table of all videos that every student can see. (We likely want a permanent local version of these videos as the best ones may be incorporated as a future part of the course, perhaps we can trust youtube for this or just download the ones that we want once such a selection is made.)
4)We randomly select 5 videos for each student that they must watch and peer evaluate. This is done for every student who submitted a video and the grading they do will count towards part of the Video Project grade. eg. 20% for peer evaluation completed, 30% for their own video
5)After the student knows their random selection we suggest they select 3-5 more videos to watch from the list. Their choice which ones. We record their selection by giving them 5 boxes in which they can enter a number identifying their choice. They are always able to watch more than this (ie. ones that they do not enter numbers for).
6)Student has a "problem" in the system that consists of watching their videos. For each one they provide a "solution" which is their peer feedback to the student who did the video. Their feedback includes both 3 numerical evaluations within a predefined ruberic, and a box where they can type any comments they wish. These results are stored to be given back to the original student after processing (average scores, all feedback).
7)The scores obtained from the peer feedback are also used to rank order the videos for the instructors. After the evaluation period is over we will post links to a selection of the best videos that all students may then choose to watch at a future date (eg. over Christmas break). We will also consider using the best project videos as future content in the course sequence.
15) Renormalization Group Equations First Video: RGE for coefficients, solution to RGE, implications of scales, scale uncertainty (L5 start)
16) General Solution & Higher Orders
17) Physical Application with Large Logs
18)Comparison of EFT with Full Theory
Insert Pset #2, part #1 (operator renormalization for Electroweak Hamiltonian)
19) Massive particles: One Loop Matching & Next-to-Leading Log Summation (logs, scheme dependence)
20)Phenomenology with the Electroweak Hamiltonian: b to s gamma (L6 starts)
39)Renormalons (Pole Mass) (L10)
40)Renormalons Part 2 (when does MSbar lead to trouble, b-mass example, math, Borel transform) (L11)
41) Renormalon Implications (L11)
42) All Order LambdaQCD result (L11)
43) Renormalons and the Renormalization Group (MSR mass example) (L11)
44) Renormalon Renormalization Group at Higher Orders (L12)
45) RGE as a Renormalon Probe (L12)
46) Renormalons in OPEs (Wilsonian versus MSbar OPE) (L12)
47) Mass Splitting OPE example (L12)
Insert Pset #3, part #3 (R-RGE Problem)
Other Course Resource Materials to consider adding over the summer:
1) List of Standard Model EFT operators in html, Javascript for Operator Evolution?
2) List of SCET Feynman rules, other SCET resources like Wilson lines path conventions,
Equations of Motion, Operator Relations, Subleading Lagrangians (more feynman rules)
3) Tables of common EFT loop integrals and tricks for how to do them (going beyond what Ellis has for full theory integrals by including eikonal and time-like linear propagators)
4) Fierz identities, link to CORE
5) Lattice EFT resources?
6) Chiral Perturbation Theory?
7) Wilson line identities
8) Running coupling identities
9) Log counting summary (standard) and (sudakov)
89) Interactions in SCET2 (offshell S-C interactions, S-C factorization, obtaining SCET2 from SCET1, Theorem about matching) (L24)
90) SCET1 and SCET2 power counting formula (L24)
91) gamma-Pion form factor example (L24)
92) B to D pi example (L25)
93) SCET2 and Rapidity divergences (massive Sudakov form factor, various examples) (L25)
94) Rapidity Renormalization Group (L26)
95) Factorization with Rapidity Divergences (L26)
96) Beam Functions (L26)
Symmetries & Factorization in SCET
67) Any Spin symmetry? Two-component SCET (L18)
68) Gauge Symmetry in SCET (L18)
69) RPI in SCET, part 1 (intro) (L18)
70) RPI part 2 (L19)
71) Extension to multiple collinear fields (L19)
72)Study L^(0): Usoft-Collinear factorization (L19)
Insert Pset #5, part #1
73) Wilson Coefficients (L19)
74) Hard-Collin Fact & Building Blocks (L20)
75)Loops and Matching (collinear loops, label sums & 0-bin) [ long! 1 hour ] (L20)
76) Summing Sudakov Logs in SCET1 (LL RGE, solution) (L21)
77) Sudakov Logs at higher orders (L21)
78) The Cusp anomalous dimension (L21)
79) When are labels fixed in SCET operators? (L21)
80) DIS Introduction and Operators (L21)
81) DIS Factorization (L22)
82) One Loop RGE for PDF with operators (L22)
83) When do we get convolutions? SCET1 versus SCET2 processes (L22)
Insert Pset #5, part #2
84) e+e- to dijets: Modes & Expansions (L23)
85) Observable Factorization & Factorized Cross Section (L23)
86) Scales & Regions for Thrust (L23)
87) e+e- to dijets: Perturbative Hard, Jet, and Soft Functions (L23)
88) RGE, Cusp anomalous dimension with +-function (L24)
Insert Pset #5, part #3
The End
Week #1
Week #1
Week #2
Week #3
Week #4
Week #5
Week #6
Week #7
Week #8
Week #9
Weeks #10,11
Week #12
Weeks #13,14
Weeks #15
Weeks #16
added sound
added sound
added sound
Resummation of Logs in SCET
Review of Course materials
About page:
Due Date for Peer grading videos = May 30st
Due Date for Video Title & Abstract = April 24th
Final due date for homework = May 31st
(generate our own certificates)
Intro to EFTx Pages:
Entrance/Exit Surveys: (Sent to Kyle, need to add links in course)
Course Generic
Video Project
Syllabus & Readings
Discussion Forum
Summer Schools
Review all Chapter Content to Look for Issues
Items pre-course start date:
(order 200 registrants added)
Items soon after start date
sit it on one of Peter's sessions
talk to Michele too
Consider solved examples on Light-board (start with short videos)