Installing ROOT on Mac OS X
The quickest way to get ROOT onto your Mac is to download the precompiled binaries from the ROOT webpage.
These are binaries that have been compiled on CERN machines, so you don't have to fuss around with any
configuring/making yourself. The downside are residual hardcoded paths that require you to set various
environmental variables in your .bash_profile. If you're interested in a custom install or alternative
methods, don't hesitate to ask.
- Check your processor (Apple->About This Mac)
- Download the appropriate precombiled binaries from the ROOT website
- Double click to unzip and untar, then move the "root" directory to /usr/local/bin
- Open up ~.bash_profile in your favorite editor and add the lines
- export ROOTSYS=/usr/local/bin/root
- export PATH=$PATH:$ROOTSYS/bin
Once you have ROOT installed, you should be able to open up CINT on the command line by typing "root";
if you want to avoid the splash screen, add the "-l" flag.
Run macros from the CINT command line with ".x pathToMacro/macroName.C" and get yourself out of there with ".q".