NEPPSR VII Analysis Project Page





Best solutions

Tracy Slatyer (Gold)

Tongyan Lin (Silver)

Alber Lee, Lu Feng, Kathryn Marable (Bronze)







The analysis project at this NEPPSR is related to data analysis of small samples, as one might encounter at low-statistics experiments such as dark matter searches, exotic decay searches at colliders, neutrino experiments, etc. A brief motivation related to WIMP searches is given in lectures.


This web page will serve as a communication hub during the project.



Analysis project team


Michael Betancourt ( )

Jeremy Lopez ( )

Wei Wang ( )




Denis Dujmic ( )





A) ROOT Analysis Tool


Although the project problems can be address with many tools, we strongly suggest that students use ROOT - an open-source software consisting of a C++ interpreter and large number of libraries for data handling and analysis. ROOT is widely used in particle physics, and in many other fields including commercial applications.


There is a myriad of web sites that host ROOT tutorials covering wide range of topics that are beyond the scope of this school.

We will provide a brief introduction to ROOT, and show examples relevant to the analysis project.


We ask students to bring their own laptops. We strongly recommend that you preinstall ROOT – this should be rather straightforward by following instructions posted bellow.


Tutorial talk (Michael Betancourt)


ROOT Installation guides:

1.    MacOSX (Send questions to Michael)

2.     Linux (Send questions to Denis)


ROOT project-related examples: 

1.    Fitting a user-defined function (source)

2.    Data input-output from a file (source)

3.    Standard template library (source)

4.    Numerical integration, TMath class (source)

5.    Compilation of ROOT scripts, timing (source)


ROOT links:

-       ROOT central page

-       HOW-TO  

-       Class reference

-       RooFit


B) Analysis of Small Samples


References: below are links to statistical methods relevant to the project.


1.    Feldman-Cousins

-       paper

-       Feldman NEPPSR IV

2.    Maximum Gap

-       paper

3.    Maximum Likelihood

-       Blocker, NEPPSR III (lecture), (handout)

-       Gay, NEPPSR IV, NEPPSR V

4.    Statistics

-       Blocker (this NEPPSR)

-       SLAC Lectures on Statistics

-       PDG



a.    Link to project talk

b.    Problem dataset

c.     Solutions:

1) script

2) script

3) script

4) script